I've recently watched both seasons of a show called "Noah's Arc". The show is about four black gay men in and out of various types of relationships and how they live and love. It's not the greatest show I've ever seen, because though the story line is juicy, in the gossip sense, the acting often falls flat and makes the whole thing seem like a really really bad play. Can I say how I love it though?? I cannot express how it makes me feel good to watch the show. AWESOME! So much drama had me shouting out all sorts of things to the computer screen and feeling like I'm apart of the cast, a part of the friendship developed by these four actors. The chemistry between them is nice and though they're not all the greatest actors it's not that bad. I recommend it. There's no deeper meaning to the show though some can argue that it does give some incite into the OUT black gay man, though it does sometimes perpetuate the stereotype but still I mean you can't please everyone right? Its a good (I hestitate to say good because some people may only see the flaws of the show rather than just take it in but I'll go out on a limb) show and you can really get into it... My only question about the show is when the hell is season 3 coming out???
UPDATE: No season 3 but there's going to be a movie to be released in 2008 and there's going to be a wedding?? Who the hell's getting married? Oh drama how I love thee...
My fave Jill Scott made a statement about a poet name Nikki Giovanni...and reading some of her poetry has got me thinking that art is really what makes the world go round. Her poems are so refreshing and amazingly beautiful...

Kidnap poem by Nikki Giovanni
ever been kidnapped
by a poet
if i were a poet
i'd kidnap you
put you in my phrases and meter
you to jones beach
or maybe coney island
or maybe just to my house
lyric you in lilacs
dash you in the rain
blend into the beach
to complement my see
play the lyre for you
ode you with my love song
anything to win you
wrap you in the red Black green
show you off to mama
yeah if i were a poet
i'd kidnap you
AWESOME!!!!!!!! I know I've been a little late with my posts but I dont know the opportunities have been slipping me by and definately because I have no computer/internet at home it does not help. Well my b-day was a nice touch this year I turned the big 2.2 and I was happy to be a year older and a 1/2 centimeter taller I was good. I also got to excercise a crush of mine that I have on the lead singer of a Jamaican rock/alternative band called Crimson Heart Replica...Their sound is really awesome and she's so cute that hey it's a win win.
Thats about all I've got today except the title pic of course which is...

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