I just knew my high would come down. Natural high guys...sometimes the world is so full of life and colurs and beauty to behold that you just automatically feel good. I was automatically feeling good for a while there but now...I'm going down...I feel hot and tired and destitute and hopeless. The world is dreary and dark and wet and the life in it before is no longer there. I dont feel good about much but this is just a phase. On to better and greater things I say. One thing I want to talk about is...(drum roll please) the lesbian experience via threesome or otherwise. I know weird topic right especially after my monologue above but hey my mind works in very mysterious ways. I know a few of you Jamaican girls have been "pleasantly offered" the opportunity to take part in a threesome (2 girls, 1 guy formation). I say plesantly offered because they didnt really ask you did they, there is a suggestive quality to their voices as if they are saying "You have to have a threesome with me and another girl because if you dont you dont love me/I'm going to leave you" I mean they dont say it but it's there as if the relationship will suffer if this is not done. Well what do you think....What i think is that people do whatever the hell they feel like, it's not my business and I'm going to make sure I stay out of other people's business. Now, a girl who performs the formation named above is not termed a lesbian because there is a young man, neither is the young man named a slut but turn the formation around (2 guys, 1 girl) the young man, especially if it's not a friend, is a Homo and the girl is a whore. Where's the justice in that? I can't say that I have knowledge of anything other than my own life but double standard? I think so...Now I havent heard many instances of girl on girl action but I have a feeling it's more prevalent than people may think. I dont mean same sex schools either, I mean girls (and maybe some young men too) are experimenting with their friends. Not just school friends but neighbours and sometimes even family (for example siblings (EEEWWW!!!) or cousins) I have found that children of similar ages when left alone are prone to do anything together because they're curious. I will tell you though that kissing a member of your own sex does not make you a homosexual, neither is finding yourself uniquely attracted to a specific member of the same sex. Wikipedia defines homosexuality as "...a lasting aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire EXCLUSIVELY for others of the same sex or gender." I'm not gay and I dont know anyone who is gay...unless of course any of my friends have something to tell me? I just don't want another generation being confused and suffering through teen years that seem so long and hopeless. Dont fret about whether you are or you arent, love yourself whoever you are. Think about who you are not what you are.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
I want nothing except $$$$$$$$$$$...and maybe Ice cream
Please someone give me a break with all these celbrities and their toro excreto. I'm tired, tired, TIRED of only seeing news about them and their selfish, self indulgent pukee lives....Ok so now that that fit of pique is over how is it possible for Britney Spears to be pregnant again? What in heavens name possessed her to dip into that white chocolate again? Save us all...also....ok so there's no also but DANG! Britney I mean not like I liked you before or anything but now I just feel sorry for you. Oh well! And now for movies that are sure to win that Oscar next year...GOAL! and Stick It. Feel good song of Thursday night Lauryn Hill's "ZION." Peace and retreat. No quote today because the quote machine broke down but look for quotes next blog.
Friday, May 05, 2006
End of an era spent down someone's creek and other Ha-has
I had a total Dawson flash back the other day. Was remembering the episode where Jen tells Dawson that Pacey and Joey have a thing going on... Ok Ok I know I won't even bother what I will do is post a couple before and after pics of them and tell you how messed up I was about that show. For example I had an exam the day after the series finale and of course you know what I did I watched all two hours of it and then I cried like a baby because 1) Yeah it was sad to see Jen die, 2) Jack and Pacey's brother were so cute together especially with that kid, 3) Pacey and Joey were together(Thank God!) and 4)The show had ended and my obssession was coming to a close...I'm girl enough to admit it.
As Elleinad would say "In but, not of..." And remember the can won't open if it's on your face.
The cast of the Creek...
The Creek will live forever in my herat...and hopefully my DVD collection.
P.S. I do love My Jamaican Drama. If you missed the morning Interview of Beenieman and D'Angel on TVJ's Smile Jamaica, you missed it all. My poor blocked aorta heart. Three months preggers, tone deaf but still pretty D'Angel was over shadowed by her strong and "Mega star not Single star" fiance/manager. While they talked about her career and their wedding and while Beenieman looked at a corsage for the wedding I laughed and nearly died of a heart attack. My mother proceeded to call me from work to tell me to watch it. I don't know but Beenieman and D'Angel are really the TomKat of Jamaica.

I love you B'Angel...HEHEHEHE!!!

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