I do believe I'm in H.E.A.V.E.N. Because the persona I love the most just sent me an email in response to one I sent him before...I feel like ...I feel like...I feel like I won something...View the email below and please no one tell me I'm insane, just let me bask in this moment of near recognition... I swear every time I look at it I blush and have palpitations...I know its not much but there are a couple people I swear I'd keel over if they ever responded to any of the shit I spew to them of course one is Trent, another is Jill Scott, another still would be Eric Jerome Dickey and yet another would be Anderson Cooper and the list goes on...ok lets add Bryan to that as well but seriously there are many but these would be like the people I LOVE LOVE LOVE and are the first to come to mind right now.
{click on images to go to sites}
Update:Darn it seems that blogger wont do the damn thing and I cant upload the email in a viewable form and I have yet to be skilled enough to know how to do that but I will and everybody will bask in its beautifulness(It could be a word).I'm so excited...seriously ;-)
Up-Update:I sent another email and guess what...He responded again..I about fainted when I read it i thought for sure I had died, been reincarnated and was living the life of a goddess...I've been touched. I'm still dying guys. *sigh*
Love the new look.
hahahahaha my girl... lol :D a so u a dream bout smaddy so! lol... i really hope u get more than ur christmas wish list ;)
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