Spent some time just reacquainting myself with the Goddess that is Jill Scott...and as I sit here having Love Rain down on me I keep thinking that this soul of mine is...is ...sigh...I dont even have the words I'm so full of love and the last few weeks have been so eye opening and revealing...measuring. Making me feel strong and beautiful and more like me than anyone else couild possibly be. I'm living in this place now that's so far from the insecure, depressed 17 year old I was a couple years ago and I keep thinking what will I be like tomorrow? Who will I be in 5 years, will she still be beautifula and strong, will she be uncompromising as well as pliant as the 21 year old is today. I'm wondering about the kids I want to have, the children I want to give my all to making sure they know that love and life is here within Momma knowing that love will always be here. I keep thinking about him too...what type of soul will his be...? Will he recognize the glory that I am? Will I see the champion and lover in him? I want to be all that I can...With a smile on my face....Thant Jill is just the epitome of what I want to be...Her songs speak to my life, speak to my heart, transcends my soul... There's some really deep shit going on and sometimes if you're not careful you get swallowed up...What can you do to escape? Let it overwhelm you, let it all come down, feel everything at once and you'll ascend into a consciousness that you nefver thought was possible. The fog lifts and you see the world in a totally new light, a new way. It's a new life...
Today's title pic is so fitting...
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