The Real Thing
I wonder sometimes about true love...Damn never thought I'd be one o f theose people ever in know those people...the eternal fucking optimists...Damn but I wonder about finding the beauty of it...Is it like a sharp pain? A bright light? A sweet song? WTF is it like...? Please someone let me know... I'm thinking it's like the sweetest song i've ever heard and all those nice things that just make you sit down and think and cry and the pain isn't really pain at all but a cleansing, a merging of heart and soul...It's life, it's beauty and it's a sharp pain, and a glowing light, a beautiful melody that only you and love can hear...I heard "The Real Thing" by the real thing herself Ms. Jill Scott. Damn but she's the "it" for me. The "it" and the "ish"... Just complete...Her songs, her voice is where it is at...(i know...) Everytime I hear her I question my own being, my own life and the things I can do to make me better to make this life just the absolute realness...The absolute of absolutes...I listen to her with my ear and my heart and that's what makes me strong and foolish and lovable and loving...I listen and I hear the strings of the soul...I hear life and beauty and love...I can't find the true love, the absolute realness but then again why am I searching for it... If only my peeps would be so genoruos as to get me all four of her albums I do believe I'c love them forever as they would exist as that person I think about when I think of my faveorite things... my friend Axela got me the "Who's Jill Scott?" and "Beautifully Human" for my birthday and everytime I think about it I smile because she remebered and she knew that I would love that more than anything else in the world that's one of my favorite birthday presents to this day...I absolutley love that gift because it wasn't contrived like some jewellry that people give you it was a genuine gift... A genuine from the heart gift and I'll love her and remeber her always for that... Some people used to ask me why we were friends and I used to thnk how coulf we not be? In my head I used to call them judgemental assholes because they didn't know her...The tilte pic for today is so absolutely fitting...
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