Book, Box, Envelopes, T-shirt
So here I am at work...Trying to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. You know keep calm before the work day begins. Someone I don't know taps me on the shoulder hands me a bright red bag and asks me to sign for it. I look around puzzled as it seems there are a few other persons with the similar bag looking quite pleased and I am thinking OK cool sure I'll sign. Though my workplace was decorated like Christmas morning with red balloons and other fandangles I thought 'Oh great another effing promotion', I had no clue the fanfare was for us lowly office workers. So upon opening the bag I see a book, a box, some envelopes and a T-shirt.
- The book - Who Moved my Cheese? by Spencer Johnson
- The envelopes - Letters saying thanks for being a ****** employee and US$100 (YEAH!)
- The T-shirt - Red polo type shirt, the type I love to wear with the slogan I am ******* on the front (A few sizes smaller than my bulk but who cares right?)
- The box - a brand new Burgundy Blackberry Curve 8320...WHAT?! Yes you heard right a Burgundy Blackberry Curve 8320.
So I'm hyperventilating thinking 'OH.MY.GOD.!!!' Over and over again. I'm thinking 'Yes! Now I can sell it and make an easy money' Alas. I'll prolly sell it within a month or so but I'm too excited... I always say that I love and hate my job at the same time and this is definately one of the reasons I like it.
Today's title pic...I made myself -

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