So I wrote this Meme on August 4, 2007. The funny and sad thing is all (except #17) of these answers are the same.
1. Where is your mobile phone? In My Bag…
2. Relationship? Seeking…
3. Your hair? Growing…
4. Work? Tiring…
5. Your sister(s)? Young…
6. Your favorite thing? Books…
7. Your dream last night? Forgettable…
8. Your favorite drink? Cran-Strawberry… (and Vodka)
9. Your dream car? Large…
10. The room you're in? Packed…
11. Your shoes? Cute…
12. Your fears? Scary…
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Happy…
14. Who did you hang out with last weekend? Tamika C.…
15. What are you not good at? Relationships…
16. Muffin? Stud…
17. Wish list item? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (it's the name of a book it qualifies as one word)
18. Where you grew up? Troubled…
19. The last thing you did? Laughed…
20. What are you wearing? Black…
21. What are you not wearing? Panties…
22. Your pet? Dead…
23. Your computer? Nonexistent…
24. Your life? Rut…
25. Your mood? Drained…
26. Missing? Love...
27. What are you thinking about? Wishes…
28. Your car? JUTC…
29. Your kitchen? Lasagna…
30. Your summer? Long…
31. Your favourite colour? Uncreated…
32. Last time you laughed? Bliss…
33. Last time you cried? Tammy…
34. School? Undead…
35. Love? Evasive…
!!HOT Guy Of This Day!! In honor of the hotness that is Mr. Piven. !!Hot guy of July 26, 1965!!

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