Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Posts from the BB
It really all boils down to being rejected though doesn't it? So reading above you can see I'm wrong. I don't want for someone else to tell me I'm not wanted. I don't want them to reject me because I think I've felt so much rejection already. I don't want to die but I feel like I'm struggling to live... I've heard that somewhere before can't remember where but right now its really a true reflection of where my life is. Antwone Fisher's got me fucked up.
P.P. - I was not in a good place when I wrote this. In my heart I feel like there is so much to live for but sometimes I feel like I'm in the middle of the ocean treading water by myself. 'Why continue?' I ask myself buyt then theres an answer 'Because land is just ahead, gotta keep your head up...even though the road is hard don't give up' and I continue. As we should all continue. I continue.
Yes Yeast Yes...
burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina and the vulva
pain when passing urine
pain during sex
a thick, white vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese and does not have a bad smell
a rash on the vagina
You may only have a few of these symptoms. They may be mild or severe. (Source)
In penile candidiasis, the causes include sexual intercourse with an infected party, low immunity, antibiotics, and diabetes. Male genital yeast infection is less common, and the risk of getting it is only a fraction of that in women; however, yeast infection on the penis from direct contact via sexual intercourse with an infected partner is not uncommon. (Source)
- stress
- lack of sleep
- illness
- poor eating habits, including eating extreme amounts of sugary foods
- pregnancy
- having your period
- taking certain medicines, including birth control pills, antibiotics, and steroids
- diseases such as poorly controlled diabetes and HIV/AIDS
- hormonal changes during your periods (Source)
TREATMENTS - Yeast infections can be cured with antifungal medicines that come as:
- creams
- tablets
- ointments or suppositories that are inserted into the vagina
These products can be bought over the counter at the drug store or grocery store. Your doctor can also prescribe you a single dose of oral fluconazole (floo-con-uh-zohl). But do not use this drug if you are pregnant.
Infections that don’t respond to these medicines are starting to be more common. Using antifungal medicines when you don't really have a yeast infection can raise your risk of getting a hard-to-treat infection in the future. (Source)
- Consider taking a daily supplement designed to help prevent the recurrence of a yeast infection
- Keep you vaginal area clean, being sure to wash the area when you shower
- After a shower or bath, make sure your vaginal area is completely dry before getting dressed
- Wear cotton underpants and pantyhose with a cotton crotch
- After using the toilet, always wipe from front to back
- Avoid sharing towels and washcloths
- Wash your under garments in hot water and skip the fabric softener in the dryer
- Avoid clothing that is tight in the crotch
- Always change out of your exercise clothes or swimsuit immediately after working out or swimming
- Change your sanitary pads or tampons frequently and avoid using ones that are scented
- Avoid using heavily scented soaps, perfumes and talcum powder
- Avoid douching
- Use antibiotics only when necessary
- Eat a diet high in vegetables, protein and grains as well as consuming yogurt that has live acidophilus bacteria; avoid processed foods, sugars and alcohol
- Always use a water soluble lubricating gel during sex
- Consider using a condom if you are having sex and have a yeast infection
- Make sure your vagina is well lubricated during sex; avoid sex if it feels painful
- If you are experiencing chronic yeast infections and are using hormonal contraceptives, like the birth control pill, consider changing your birth control method (Source)
Title pic -
The Golden Globes
- Booring..
- Thank you Laura Dern
- Ook Don Cheadle
- Thumbs down Eva's dress, jewels are nice Hayden's dress is a throw up Gabriel Burn-surprise! Yay!
- Zachary Quinto fuck yeah
- New Capn Kirk see above
- *sigh*
- *sigh*
- Still funny Ricky Gervais
- Why is the oldest Jonas brother 6 octaves lower than the others?
- Yay WALL-E
- Surprise Yay Johnny Depp!
- I've never heard of Happy-Go-Lucky this makes me content Yay Jakey!
- Seriously Drew the dress is gorgeous
- *sigh*
- Here it comes...RIP Heath Ledger
- Brokaw!
- Colin Farrell just admitted he used to do coke...
- Maggie WTF?
- Aaron Eckhart = Swoon
- Not too upset about Laura Linney but hate her dress
- In Bruges looks good
- DAMN Seth Rogan!
- Love the silhouette hate the top on Renee
- Fox looks short I like it and not at the same time also that E! Interview????
- Giamatti just said ass and pissy
- Tracy Morgan???
- Mamma Mia? Seriously?
- Kate Beck-Seen it, but still pretty
- First time God has been thanked-Ruhmen
- Right David your "wife" second time you've mentioned her tonight I could be watching Hamburger challenge right now on Food Network
- She looks horribly put together Diaz we are now enemies
- I'm so happy the Revolutionary Road was shut out
- Thank you Colin Farrell, One of the better speeches so far
- Salma Hayek-GORGEOUS!
- Sasha Baron Cohen just killed it!
- YES! YES! OMG! Kate Winslet! 'OK Gather'
- Repeat above for Mad Men
- I guess, at least it wasn't Penn
- Watching Rourke is like watching an exploding star, its destructive and the outcome is amazing to see but it's still sad to see it go
- Rourke just said bitch and something about balls
- Slumdog sweep the ting...BROOMIE!!!
As you may have noted I did it in note form. I remember doing this as far back as 7th grade that was over 13 years ago. I love awards shows...sort of.
Title pic...
P.P. - I will be doing more regular post now since my BB is now fully functional. Thanks for anyone (KP!) who's asked me to continue. I love this blog and anyone who reads my posts or just wants to see what it's about and visits I thank you. Feel free to leave a comment good, bad or indifferent.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The 51st Annual Grammy Awards

Sunday, February 08, 2009

P.P - When it seems like you're about to have a good day somebody always comes along and fucks you up. It's a lie when people say that what others say and do don't affect you even if it is infinitesimal affect you are affected. So, this bitch, comes in and does nothing but put her bag on the desk where I'm sitting. So I'm thinking you know good manners dictates that you say something whether 'I have to sit here' or 'I've been sitting here all along' but this bitch says nothing to me. So I ask 'Are you sitting here?' the bitch says 'Yes' in the most condescending tone as if I wash her nasty draws each day because I need money. In my mind I'm thinking 'So why the fuck didn't you say so?' I have no issues in moving, I really don't give a fuck where I sit in this place but I can't stand people who bitch for the sake of bitching. Bitch. Bitch also has a kid who judging by what I've seen is a bitch in the making. Bitch 2k16. Bitch.