- Ele we understand the flossing is the flossing but why you have to be the one to have the tropical fruit bubbilicious color Range... Weh Yu Mean? The outfits I've seen you wearing lately, the colors...I can't. I can just imagine seeing you step out of that yellow Range Rover with those floral scarves you insist on wearing around your neck, you are indeed a whole episode of Sesame Street on your own. Broomie!
- Ninjaman is that Bounty sex tape real because if so...Grung Gadd you need the bullet proof skin yah now. Imagine a sex tape wid di Warlord? Cross, Angry...Eh yow yalow! HEHEHEHE! Weh Yu Mean?
- How me nuh hear nutten bout the girl weh dead a ATI/RTI? Weh Yu Mean? Sponsors a fraid unu fraid fi let the people know seh the girl drink herself to death? Sometimes thge price you pay for wisdom is too high.
- Speaking of the Emancipendence weekend I heard the venture was a fair flop... Weh Yu Mean? The promoters say that more people showed up but from the reports I've received I am disinclined to believe that. Oh well...To all those who neva pay a dime, big up unu self (JOKAAs (or is it VAAJ?) in the building!)
- How Kartel a go so hard wid the endorsements? Every where him go him have a bottle of Vybz Rum, the Daggerrin condoms soon bus, reportedly 2 albums a drop this fall and him a mash up stage shows a yard and abroad...Weh yu Mean? You really Want Money fi Spend, Spend...
- I have one bone of contention...QQ what kind of tight V-neck, skin tight pants foolishness you gwaan wid at the Emancipendence celebration at the National Stadium? Weh Yu Mean? I just could not take my eyes off you, I was in shock and puzzled wondering who dress you? Is your mother? Your little brother? Him lend you some of his clothes? Please stop.
Next up is Queerty Knows Best. Ladies and Gents get ready. Weak hearts do not enter...
Helge is absolutely gorgeous...*sigh*

How many times have I told Akimat I need an asian in my life?...Too many, Jack will surely do...

There's just something about Lane...Mmm Mmm Good!

Lane was too nice he had to come (wink) twice

Tattoo, in the nude, counter top? Check, check, CHECK! Micaiah come here!

Jose was so NSFW I had to crop the pic but click his pic for full disclosure!
I need a shy guy Allan seems to fit the bill...but wait click his pic for a surprise...
All men are provided by Queerty and their Morning Goods section...There are many, MANY more where they come from. ENJOY!
Now onto Movies I Saw Last Week. Ok It's been more than a week but you get it.
SEX AND THE CITY - Felt like I was watching the episodes rather than a movie but I liked it though mainly because I loved the series. The story was a little weak but it wasn't all that bad. 6.5/10
WANTED - Surprising find, this was an action filled mystery that takes you from emotion to emotion from begining to end. Nice summer blockbuster ina time when summer blockbusters are nonexistent. The way the story was told was what caught me. 8.5/10
CLOVERFIELD - I liked this movie and I didn't like it. I don't think I'm the only one who feels these conflicting emotions. I was left waiting, I'm still waiting for the conclusion. In that it's both genius and disastrous. Would I watch again? Prolly not. 5/10
MEET THE BROWNS - Tyler Perry again you dissappoint me. I never expected mindblowing but I didn't expect that. Save your money and your time. Buy the play of the same name instead thats a much better choice. 3/10
HELLBOY - Yes I know I'm late. So? This was a nice movie. I loved the story and the characters. I can't say theres any one thing that was really wrong with it. Very nice watch, looking forward to HellBoy 2. 7.5/10
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 3: AT WORLD'S END - Meh...I could have done without this lackluster end to what seemed to be an amazing franchise. I repeat...Meh... 6/10
SPIDERMAN 3 - This was a while back but I remember liking the story and was really happy that Peter Parker stopped the cryin thing and was able to man up a little. LOVED Topher Grace as Venom, James Franco's cute but can we stop with the Daddy complexes already? 8/10
DEVIL WEARS PRADA - Cute movie, can't see where so much buzz came from though... The clothes were superb and Anne Hathaway was sweet. Meryl Streep, love her but not her best perormance. 6.5/10
TRANSFORMERS - Fits the blockbuster formula to the T. Kinda scruffy but cute lead actor, gorgeous but tough and emotionally scarred, obvious love interest of lead, lead actress, aliens. Perfect. The acting was good, story was fairly solid, if a bit shaky in explanations. The cinematography was magnificent. Nice summer movie. 7/10
OCEAN'S 13 - Not as good as the first two movies. Not a bad way to continue the franchise though. Pleasantly surprised. I love these movies for their innovative script and stories. Very funny, very witty movie. 8/10
THE DA VINCI CODE - I pretty subjective with this one because I really liked the book. Objectively the movie followed the book almost precisely, the acting was not top performance though and if you had not read the book the movie seemed to jump from scene to scene without much of an explanation. There was definately more explanation given for happenings than most book-movie pieces have given so that was a plus. 6/10
MR. & MRS SMITH - Another shocker but I really liked this movie. The chemistry between the leads is palpable. It really is. Both were funny, witty and not bad in the acting. 7.75/10
It was fun making this post. I'll try to do it more regularly. I hate 80% of the people at my job.
Today's title pic...
1 comment:
if i had a "pieca brown money" for everytime i nearly choked to death reading this post i wouldn't need missa Bolt in my life again. AVP...how u so effing funny?! Those ele comments and the mere mention of "grung gad" were enough for me.
Ps. Dem man deh niiice ee *sigh*
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